Thursday, November 22, 2007

Boney boney (Interlude)

At last the bone is gone.

I had this tiny fish bone stuck in my throat since yesterday lunch. I went to Sumbangsih Mulia for a quick cheap meal with my kids. I always go there. You won't get diet food, but depending on your interpretation, I believe they are healthy meals.

My option was this ikan masak kunyit, 2 small pieces of hati buyah, a small portion of nasi putih, and sambal pedas (ayam penyit). I didn't take rice in the evening to cut down on my complex carb, just vegies. Just didn't want to take on the guilt trip. Remember, I'm trying to lose my FAT. It's enough that we had BT talking about RIPAS confirming on fat Bruneians, then you have the old man in his blog rubbing salt to my wound.

Anyway. Almost to my last spoon I suddenly felt a piercing on the back of my throat. Just behind the uvula and the soft palate. My fault, I took for granted that the fish was tiny, and its bone wont affect me that much if it ever got stuck. When it did, I didn't really panic.

First attempt to take it out: ate a tiny ball of rice. Didn't even budge. I made a couple more balls of rice. I had to asked for extra which was kind of embarrassing. I bet people were thinking, "God, she really eat, doesn't she? Typical Bruneian women." Nope, that didn't work either.

Second attempt: drank lots and lots of water. Slowly. Nope. No movement. But everytime I spoke, I felt the urge to vomit.

I thought it's getting there. So better leave it for a bit. I rang mum, she was at home and wanted to see the baby. So, I flocked my herd into the car, told them we are meeting their granny. On the way we passed by Hua Ho Mall. I had a thought, and since I had a few stuff to get, I decided to stop by.

Third attempt: Took one strepsil. Sucking it really slow. Finished. Nothing happened.

Got to mum's. Mum said, try sipping water from the cover of the rice-cooker (remember that children song: "minum air di tudung periuk, petua ubat ketulangan..."

Fourth attempt: Took the suggestion. Sipped slowly with full concentration and hope. Damn.

I decided to just not bother. It'll go down somehow. But, the bone kept thrusting on my throat, it felt slightly painful as night goes by. Nevermind, it'll go tomorrow. I woke up this morning, my God, it still was there. Told the hubby again and he thought he'd try another trick, his dad's.

Fifth attempt: The hubby placed a small clean nail into a glass full of water. Left it for a couple of minutes, and got me drinking it after. I did.

I believe it's gone now. Thank God. But lesson learnt well, never underestimate anything tiny.

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