Thursday, December 6, 2007

Global Warming and Kampung Ayer kitani

(image source:

The BBC talked about the effects of global warming on the Himalayas yesterday. Ah gorgeous Himalayas! I have always dreamt of climbing up The summit. I know I am way too skint to try attempting the adventure. I don't think I've got all the skills as a mountain climber, but I can train for it. That's a dream to keep on fantasizing.

But that's not really the point I want to put across. It's NATURE really, and how we should appreciate what it has given us. The natural beauty that becalm us; the resources that bequest our survival and livelihood; the spirits it procreate. Boundless gifts to us human by God the Almighty. Alhamdulillah.

And yet, here we are - making no or little attempt to save the environment. Do we really care about it? I believe the question should be rephrased: DO WE REALLY CARE ABOUT US? Cause we are (at least part of) the environment. Just because God will one (judgement) day put us on a barren dessert, we don't need to prepare earth for that.

Global warming, that climate change ... I don't need to write an essay on what it is and what causes it. Google it, and you'll get a million links. The consequences are endless too. But one struck me - RISING WATER LEVELS.

I've not passed by Bandar for a while, but the other day on the way home from an uncle living along Kota Batu, we decided to drive through town. Kampung Ayer, the view is still impressive to me. There's so much history to it: the heritage - the industry, the technology - so much more and how it had evolved. It's such an authentic site.

(image source:

No, I've never lived there. I know my ancestors did, in the last 700 years or so, from the day it stands. But, I don't know for how long it'll stay. The country is talking about conserving the site; there's development of a cultural village even. Those are good news, somehow.

But what's more pressing than that? When we passed by the other day, I saw the river almost touching some of the houses (and pantaran) floors. Unusual high tides, I thought. They said it's been like that in recent times. The cause, I never asked.

Watching the BBC yesterday prompt me to believing it's the effect of global warming. Yes, that climate change has resulted in the rising of water level in Brunei River too. My theory anyway. If other countries around the world are experiencing such high water levels and high tides, we are bound to experiencing the same thing. After all, we live in such a tiny world. The weather's warmer, the ice is melting and the water is rising. Across the oceans, seas and rivers. Including Brunei River.

Conservation and the cultural village will certainly take us back in time. Yet, that increasing water level cannot guarantee Kampung Ayer stays forever. I'm here to make pledges to reduce my contribution to global warming. So our heritage stays, and not just beautiful pictures in our kids' history books. Time to take action:

  • Lights off, the air-cons too.
  • Do things manually, as much as we can. Broom-it, not vacuum-it; hand-wash it, not machine-wash it. Save electrical energy, burn the calories. That's a 2-in-1 formula. So, manual would be the new game of the house.
  • Reduce our rubbish, and we reduce the burning and land-fill in Sungai Akar.
    • Get recycling bins, and teach the kids and helper on recycling stuffs. That's new culture to instill.
    • Pampers? Cut down usage, or option 2: terry nappies. Should I? That's a very difficult one.
    • Use fewer toilet rolls, and encourage as many girlfriends to go for Halawa waxing. That's definitely cutting toilet tissues usage. Hubbies will be happier too. Another 2-in-1 formula.
    • Print papers - cut down too, that'll reduce further deforestation. So, next year's planner? From the mobile phone then, the **k**a *series. (I'm not trying to endorse capitalism, and my phone's brand).
  • Going out?
    • Plan route to reduce carbon emission from car.
    • Park as far as possible from destiny (if walk-able). Meaning less carbon emission, and saves fuel.
    • Or stay home, work at and from home, as much as I can. If I'm the big boss, I'll encourage E-work and less of the m-work. (p.s. Boss, are you with me?)
  • Not forgetting: linking in 'Winx ally'.

I know I'll think of more. Meanwhile, I hope you do so too.

Not just for Kampung Ayer, but for the love of earth, us and our future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey can you tell me more about global warming?
my link: